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Why do youth need a Bible Study on 1 Timothy 4:12? The teenagers in my house and youth group are so anxious to grow up and make their own decisions. Some are still too young to drive, too young to vote, and too young to handle adult situations. Maybe even in the church they feel too young to fill vital roles or make a difference in the Kingdom of Christ. Timothy may have had some of the same feelings of inadequacy and frustration as he led the church of Ephesus as Paul encouraged him not to let his youth be a hindrance in 1 Timothy 4:12.
Paul encouraged the young man Timothy to be an example, not just among the world (which is a given), but for other believers. His youth did not disqualify him from leading and setting an example for all ages.
Our teenagers need this reminder as well. Whether you lead a small group Bible Study or teach your teens at home, this youth Bible study series on 1 Timothy 4:12 can help them examine five key areas in which God calls them to be an example no matter their age. We must not look down on our youth. Instead, I want them to remember that God can use them and has a purpose for their lives now, not just when they “grow up.”
A Young Example – 1 Timothy 4:12
Session 1: Too young?
(Subscribe to my email list and receive the entire 6 session series here.)
First, divide youth in to two teams. Ask each to compile a list of things that teenagers are too young to do. (drink, drive, gamble, vote, go to college, teach school, etc.) Teams score points for answers not duplicated by the other team.
Discuss: What are some things that frighten you about Christian life or something you feel you can’t do because you are too young or inexperienced (teach Sunday School, witness, preach, sing, pray out loud, etc.)? Even as a teenager, you are an important part of this church & God has a place of service for you now.
Read Jeremiah 1:6-9 & discuss the following questions:
How does Jeremiah respond to God’s request to tell others about his message?
Has God ever asked you to do something that made you feel like Jeremiah did? If so, what did you do? (Give youth a chance to share, and share an example from your own life. Mention Biblical characters God used at a young age, such as David, Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego, & Mary.)
God will never lead you where His grace cannot sustain you. He will provide what you need for the task He gives you.
Handout cards with 1 Timothy 4:12. (Download them here). You may also want to display the theme verse on a focal wall.

Chalk wall in our youth room
Our focus for this study is 1 Timothy 4:12. Timothy was a young man whom Paul calls his “son in the faith.” He followed Jesus and the example of Paul, his mother, and his grandmother. Even at a young age, Paul entrusted Timothy with the leadership of the church at Ephesus. He knew Timothy might feel inadequate for the job, and that others may even disrespect Timothy because of his age. But Paul knew God had called and gifted Timothy. He was confident in God’s ability to use Timothy to lead this church.
Read 1 Timothy 4:12 together, then discuss the following questions.
Set an example among who? (Believers)
Who are the believers? (All Christians, including from kids to adults)
Notice Paul didn’t say set an example for the lost or heathen. It is easy to be just a little bit better than those who don’t know God. If we truly follow Christ our life is always going to be an example for the lost.
But to set an example for believers—those already trying to live like Christ— is a little harder. We must compare our actions to Christ instead of others (saved or lost). This verse tells us to be so much like Christ that even other Christians can follow our example.
In what areas are we to set an example? (speech, life, love, faith, and purity)
Preview the upcoming study, & Encourage the youth to take the card & memorize the 1 Timothy 4:12.
Over the next several weeks we will look at each area in detail, but for now, let’s think of one way to be an example in each area.
Divide into 5 groups. Next, give each group one of the example areas (speech, life, love, faith, purity), construction paper, & markers. Then ask youth to illustrate one way to be an example in that area, then ask groups to share.
Read Jeremiah 1:7-8 together.
Think again about something you feel inadequate to do for Christ. Remember, no one is too young to be used by God.
Prayer: Ask youth to pray silently as you guide them with the following suggestions, then close by praying for the youth.
Thank God that you are not to young to be used by Him. Ask Him to give you opportunities to serve Him. Pray for the Holy Spirit to give you guidance and courage for doing His work. Ask Him to show you specifically what He is calling you to do. Thank God for choosing to use you.
Free Youth Bible Study on 1 Timothy 4:12 Download
Download Session 1 here. I format my notes in landscape with 2 columns so it folds neatly in my Bible.
To download the entire free 6 session series (plus bonus game night) please sign up for my newsletter below. Also see Standing on the Promises for youth Bible Studies in 2 Peter.

Great lessons, and it is true that we always inspire our teens to follow Christ who is the greatest example, and inspire others through our lives.