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You and I are incredibly blessed. Although the we may not have all of our wants, just having the basic necessities, plus whatever type of technology that enables you to read this, means we are richer than three-fourths of the world’s population. We can easily lose perspective when we focus on what we can’t afford, but I want my teens to remember we are blessed to be a blessing.

“Blessed to be a blessing.”
That’s the family motto of some dear friends who serve God near East Asia. Whether on the mission field or in the states, they always keep their eyes open for ways to bless others. They recognize how much God has blessed them and that part of the reason He blesses His children is so that they will bless others. Their friendship has blessed our family in so many ways!
When our missionary friends visit, we always want to minister to them, but they end up ministering to us even more! We are so encouraged just by hanging out together. Their constant desire to be a blessing makes the love of Jesus shine through their words and actions.
Jesus said, “From everyone who has been given much, much will be required” (Luke 12:48). Friends, we have been given so, so much!
As I share thirty things I want my teens to remember, I pray they will see what a privileged life they enjoy and want to share their blessings with others. I long to see the teenagers in my household and the teenagers in my youth group sharing God blessings regularly as a lifestyle.

Give a Blessing
Jesus said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35). Generosity is more about the state of our heart than the state of our wallet or bank account. And blessing others is about so much more than money.
Yes, God does bless us in return, but that’s not why we should be a blessing (Matthew 6:3-4). We bless out of gratitude for the blessings we receive and the joy of sharing is it’s own reward.
We bless others with our words, our time, our thoughtfulness, our prayers, our hospitality. And, sometimes, our money. Nearly every time God blesses us, we can pay it forward to someone else who needs to experience a blessing. God often chooses to bless people through His people.
A couple years ago, my husband was talking to a pastor friend about our truck being in the repair shop. Our friend said he would ask God to tell a church member to pay for the repair. A few days later, a Christian friend (not in our local church, but in THE church) sent us a check because God told her to do so. Our Father unexpectedly answered and blessed us through her obedience! (She didn’t know, but our truck was actually in her husband’s shop!)
I want my teens to be the kind of Christians that bless others by their presence and by their obedience. I want them to remember how it feels to receive a blessing so they will want to give a blessing.
And, like my missionary friends and friend who blessed us financially, I want to set the example. May I, too, remember, we are “blessed to be a blessing.”
It’s so easy to get caught up with “us and ours” and not notice the needs of others. I stay so distracted with all I have to do and remember that I can miss the opportunities God gives me to bless others.
I know with kids things are usually “caught” more than “taught.” So, if I want my teens to remember we are blessed to be a blessing, I need to practice blessing others daily.
What about you? Will you join with me to help our teens be a blessing? Please share how your family or youth group works together to bless others with the blessings God has given you.
See more in the series 30 Things I Want My Teens to Remember: