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As a Christian, everything we do is for the glory of God. In all of our work, whether it is at home, school, or a paying job, Scripture teaches us to work as if working for the Lord. He is the one who will reward us even when no one else notices. I want my teens to remember to always work for the Jesus in attitude and actions.

How to Work for the Lord in All Things
First, obey in all things.
In Colossians 3:22-24, Paul instructs servants or slaves in the early church on how to behave toward their masters. Today, we can apply this principle to any who are in authority over us. Paul says to obey in “all things.” Obviously, in light of other scripture, Paul does not mean we should obey a sinful command, but in all else we are to do what those in authority ask of us.
Work even when no one is watching.
Not only does God expect us to obey, He wants us to obey sincerely, not just to be seen or when we are seen, but with “sincerity of heart, fearing the Lord” (Colossians 4:22). When we choose to do our work because of fear, reverence, and love for the Lord, even difficult or seemingly useless tasks take on greater meaning. We work to please the one who created us, loves us, and forgives us.
Work Hard
Whether for parents, teachers, coaches, or bosses, we must remember to work heartily as for the Lord rather than men (Colossians 3:23). Working heartily includes doing our best, working hard, and striving to keep a good attitude.
Remember Who rewards you.
Why work as for the Lord? He is the one who will reward our work (Colossians 3:24). Ideally, the person in charge will notice your hard work. Parents will respond with more trust, teachers with good grades, and bosses with more money or responsibility; but, sometimes, it seems no one notices our effort. It can be so discouraging when a parent, teacher, or boss does not recognize our hard work, especially when our focus is on working to please them.

When we work to please God, we can be sure He notices and our reward will come from Him in the satisfaction of doing our best and in His never-ending blessings.
Remember our work ethic is a part of our witness.
When you work as for the Lord, your work “adorns” the teaching of God our Savior (Titus 2:9). To adorn is to make beautiful or attractive.
What an amazing thought! We make the gospel more attractive to the world when we work in a way that pleases God.
Work for the Lord everywhere.
At home, show respect and obedience to your parents, even when they aren’t around.
At school, be respectful to your teachers, make an “A” effort on your work.
At work, work hard, show respect and seek the good of the boss and the business.
At practice, listen to your coach and work for the good of the team.
At church, carefully consider the message from the pastor and teachers. Put their words from the Lord into practice.

Memorize Colossians 3:23
Write in in your journal, post it on your mirror, carry it on a card in your wallet, and apply it in all areas of your life daily. (Download this printable of Colossians 3:23 free here.)
Repent regularly.
What happens when you mess up (which you will)? Ask forgiveness from God and from those we sinned against, then start again striving to follow Christ’s teaching on work.
(Read #Christianfail and Frustrated with Yourself for more.)

This post is a part of an ongoing series of Things I Want My Teens to Remember. Last year, as I pondered on how soon my oldest teenagers would be on their own, I sat down and quickly listed thirty things I want them to remember always, especially as they leave home. At the top of my list is my love for them made possible by the eternal love of God for His children.
More in this series: