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silhouette of a woman praying; the number one prayer following a crisis


As our family reeled from a traumatic ordeal, I suddenly realized something. Through our family crisis I had been praying for many things – healing, peace, justice, forgiveness, restoration, and much more. But I’d forgotten the most important thing to pray for in a crisis: God’s glory.

I realized I hadn’t been praying for God to be glorified through our situation. And that’s what I SHOULD want most. 

More than justice, more than healing, more than the other things on my heart, may I truly be able to pray that God is glorified in our lives above all else. 

I believe God works all things for His glory and for our good. My purpose as His child is to bring glory to Him. No matter how hard things have been, let Christ be magnified in me, in my family, and in our trials. 

His glory: That is the most important thing to pray for in a crisis.


single blue morning glory close up


I planted these morning glories late in the summer. As they finally began to bloom they reminded me of God’s glory. First, on an October day when one single flower bloomed, God used it as a gentle reminder of his presence and to turn my thoughts to His glory.

A few days later, when the huge blooms multiplied, He used them to help me remember my purpose is to bring glory to Him no matter the circumstances.

God reminded me to pray like Moses, “Show me Your glory.” (Exodus 33:18)

I began in a general way. Now, I am praying “Father, let your glory be multiplied in our suffering. Show me Your glory even in this and let it point others to You. Let me see how You will get the glory even through our pain.”



I know you have your own trials. May God remind you to seek to glorify Him even in the midst of your storm. He is worthy.

I don’t know how it will happen for either of us. But, I know God is good and will get the glory only He is worthy of in all things. May He let us see it. He is also working an eternal weight of glory in us. (2 Corinthians 4:17-18) He also gives us little glimpses of the glory to come that will far outshine all of the suffering we face in this world.


Remember, the most important thing to pray for in a crisis: God’s glory.


Father, even though we don’t know how it can happen, we pray You get the glory from this. “For Yours is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.”

Listen to this song and sing it to your Heavenly Father as a prayer from your aching heart.

You Get The Glory by Jonathan Traylor

hand holding red rose on bush, words "when the blessed become the bleeding"
Palm tree on beach; glimpses of glory
“How to Hold on to Faith” under woman arranging flowers