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When the good shepherd makes me lie down with picture of lamb lying in grass


Throughout scripture God describes Himself as a shepherd caring tenderly for His sheep. Sometimes I’m not a very cooperative sheep, and the Good Shepherd makes me lie down because He knows how much I need rest, healing, and strength.

We’re all familiar the Good Shepherd in Psalm 23 and John 10, but have you read Ezekiel 34? 

When I opened the First 5 app for my devotion the initial quote really resonated with me. 

“When unfair circumstances burden us, God’s love promises justice.” -Trisha Hawk

When I read the accompanying scripture passage my eyes filled with tears. But these were not tears of grief; they were tears of comfort and gratitude that God sees me just where I am and sends words I need at just the right time.


Three scenes of Jesus as the good shepherd rescuing lost sheep

He ran. He rescued. He carried. Created by Used by permission.

 “I myself will be the shepherd of my sheep, and I myself will make them lie down, declares the Lord God. I will seek the lost, and I will bring back the strayed, and I will bind up the injured, and I will strengthen the weak, and the fat and the strong I will destroy. I will feed them in justice. Ezekiel 34:15-17

“I will MAKE them lie down.” Sounds a bit like Psalm 23, doesn’t it?

Sometimes God has to make us lie down because we are too stubborn to do it ourselves even when we realize how desperately we need rest.

He seeks us.

He draws us to Himself.

He gives us healing, strength, and justice.

He’s a good God, YES, He is.


sheep on a mountainside with scripture Ezekiel 34:15

Our Good Shepherd made me lie down, and He is healing and strengthening me and my family. He is bringing justice.

Dear weary friend, I want you to remember that He will do the same for you. The Good Shepherd is seeking you in love. Draw near and rest in His goodness.

Listen to Let It Begin by Big Daddy Weave, then come back and share in the comments:

How has God been a good Shepherd in your life lately? 

Has He ever “made” you lie down so He could bring healing, strength, and justice? 

I’d love to hear from you! Let’s encourage each other! Scroll down and share in the comments below.

sheets of 30 scripture based prayer cards for moms
Examples of Prayer Cards for moms
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