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Homeschooling would be so much more fun if we could just read amazing books all day! I’ve been a reader as long as I can remember, but now I rarely read just for fun unless it’s with my kids. The camaraderie of a good book enjoyed together has helped us make so many special memories, especially when we read fun, well-written children’s book series with deeper meaning.
I’ve had the privilege of reading or listening to the audio versions of many book series with my kids. Often the plea for just one more chapter comes from me as much as them! We can easily get caught up in reading and skip the rest of the lessons for the day!
As much as we love a book that is just simply a good, well-crafted story, the ones that really stick are those that have personal application to our everyday lives individually and as a family. These are some of my favorite that we have quoted or referred to long beyond the days of reading. They are valuable for their excellent plot, character development, and vivid imagery, but the deeper meaning that expresses Christian concepts gives food for thought that last long beyond the stories.
The Chronicles of Narnia
Of course, I have to start with the classic Christian series of all time! The Chronicles of Narnia books were made famous by The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, just the beginning of a fun, page turner series with deep meaning. Watch the movies for fun, but, as with most stories, the books are so much better!
The symbolism of Aslan is obvious, though some of the other elements take a little more insight. Read the whole series just for the adventure, then read it again looking a little deeper. I love The Silver Chair for it’s beautiful illustration of faith. The children have to believe the sun exists when everyone around them tries to say they just made it up.
The Wingfeather Saga
The deeper meaning in The Wingfeather Saga is well hidden beneath the wild, imaginative narrative that captivates readers from the start. Now a television series that, although entertaining, doesn’t even touch the enthralling story in the book. The Wingfeagther Saga follows the journey of the Igiby family as they return to their rightful place as rulers of Aneria.
I love the positive emphasis on a family that loves each other and works through challenges in their life and relationships. My favorite “deeper meaning” involves the theme of names. Throughout the series names are so significant and mirror the reality of how what we call ourselves or someone else tends to define who we are.
The ending of each book, even the last of the series, leaves readers wanting more! I hope to read the entire series again soon, and I don’t read too many books twice unless its for homeschool!
The Prince Warriors
The imagery and deeper meaning of The Prince Warriors is obvious, but not preachy. It adds to the storyline rather than detracting from it. Children travel to another world where they face challenges and adventures using weapons of spiritual warfare from Ephesians 6, but the events in that world bleed over into the real world. They must learn to use their weapons well and walk by faith rather than sight in both places.
This is one series that I quoted several times in our family as we needed to remember the faith principles we learned. So many of the situations apply to everyday life as Christians struggling to live for Christ in a dark world.
And They Found Dragons
Set in an apocalyptic future where the human population had to live in space for a time before returning to earth, And They Found Dragons is another series that is just a story on the surface, but still brings home some deep truths that we can apply in everyday life. Jack’s mother has taught him the old, now illegal, truths of scripture. Remembering who he is in the light of Yeshua’s love becomes vital in the survival of the humans returning to earth.

The scriptural reminder that love casts out fear enables our hero’s son Noah to continue on against darkness as one of the “Light Bringers” in the second trilogy of the series, Dragons Among Us. The constant call for the characters to remember who they are throughout trials is a needed reminder for us all.
Kingdom Tales
Kingdom Tales is an old series we discovered through My Father’s World homeschool curriculum. In an imaginary world, the Enchanter has deceived most of the people and convinced them to live in literal darkness. They sleep in the day and spend the night working hard to keep the lights going. The King has a remnant who freely serve him in the day and live in caring community with each other.
This old, lesser known trilogy, is worth your time! It is available in an illustrated hardback version the is pricey, but the My Father’s World spiral bound book will work also! My favorite chapter in the series is about a boy traveling in a dangerous area where he cannot trust his own eyes. He must remember the truths he knows to make it to safety and accomplish his mission for the King.
The Green Ember
The Green Ember series, with four main books and many spin-offs, is full of character-building adventure. as young rabbits grow in bravery, honor, loyalty, and more. Rabbits? Yes! Rabbits with swords who face dangers of wolves, eagles, dragons, and more! Each book in the main series leaves you wanting more, while the side stories tell more about the history of the narrative or lives of characters with parts in the main story.
Author S.D. Smith weaves deeper meaning in these children’s books as the rabbits look forward and work toward the “mended wood.”
The Kingdom Chronicles
I’ve just discovered The Kingdom Chronicles and began listening to the first book on family trip. A archetype of Adam is trying to prepare his son to fight against an enemy who was once a friend. The writer uses Biblical parallels of Eden, the fall, the flood, and more in an imaginary world.
The story of bravery, skill in fighting, and love of family has captured our interest already. I can’t wait to find time to continue the series.
Read Children’s Book Series with Deeper Meaning
If you’re looking for well-written children’s book series with deeper meaning to read with your kids, choose one and get started! Just let the story be a story at first, then, delve in to good discussion on the vivid imagery and Christian symbolism a little at a time, especially as applicable situations arise.
If you’re a fan of audio books, many of them are available on Everand. Try it free for 60 days!
Remember, what we put into our minds affects who we are, especially as children. Let’s pour in both beauty and truth with good stories in well-written children’s books with deeper meaning. We don’t have to give up excellence in literature to learn spiritually. The best books are written for the glory of God!