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Have you thought of Christmas gift ideas for Jesus yet this year?
Christmas is a birthday celebration for Jesus, but it’s so easy to get caught up in all of the hustle and bustle and neglect the One we are supposed to be celebrating. How can you help your family remember to keep their focus on Him? Start your Christmas planning by thinking of Christmas gift ideas for Jesus.
Sounds simple enough, but what can you give the One who gave all for you?
First, give Him your life by trusting Him as Savior and Lord. Accept His gift of salvation for you. How? Read Know Jesus, Share Jesus.
Then brainstorm ideas of both personal (worship, prayer, etc) and practical Christmas gifts (time, service, gifts for needy, financial gifts, etc) for Jesus. Try this fun family game to get you started, and then come back and use some of the ideas below.
- Attend a Christmas service or event as a family.
- Renew your commitment to your local church.
- Read family devotions through the Christmas season.
- Plan a family Bible study for the new year.
- Spend daily time alone with Jesus in Scripture and prayer.
- Volunteer at your local church or community ministry
- Help an elderly neighbor decorate for Christmas (don’t forget to help take down decorations after) or send Christmas cards.
- Find a small project you can do at your local church.
- Buy gifts or provide a Christmas meal for a needy family. Ask your local church, school, or sheriff’s department for names.
- Make Christmas candy or cookies for neighbors or local community workers such as police officer, hospital staff, nursing home staff, etc.
- Make Christmas cards for widows, nursing home residents, inmates, church staff, etc.
- Shop Worldcraft to help support needy families around the world.
- Make gift bags with essential supplies and meal gift cards and keep in your vehicle to give the homeless.
- Donate to missions through your local church, a missionary, or the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering.
- Help a friend finance an upcoming mission trip, youth trip, or adoption.
- Give a gift card or money to help your pastor’s family.
- Sponsor a child through a ministry such as Compassion International.
Now that you have plenty of Christmas gift ideas for Jesus, don’t forget one thing. Ask Him what He wants from you. Maybe it’s something already on your list, or maybe He will impress something else on your heart. Be open to listen and obey.
Share your additional Christmas gift ideas for Jesus in the comments. I pray you and your family have a blessed, Christ-focused Christmas season that leads others to remember Jesus!
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Ready to get started on your Christmas planning? Check out my resource “A Christmas to Remember” Holiday Planner!