How to Stop Worrying and Find Peace
These days our minds and hearts are full or worry and anxiety, yet God tells us to be anxious for nothing! Worry is the opposite of faith. It is borrowing tomorrow’s trouble today. God promised grace today for the troubles of today and grace for tomorrow for the...
Begin Praying the Scriptures to Control Your Tongue Today
I love praying the scriptures because then I know I am praying based on the will of God. I've prayed and written about scriptures to help you know God more, as well as scripture to pray for wisdom and guidance. Now, I am writing about praying the scriptures to...
Trusting God Against Overwhelming Odds With Praise & Prayer
Scripture teaches us that the stories in the Bible are given to us as an example. We can learn both what to do and what not to do from the lives of many Bible characters. So who can we learn from when we need a lesson in trusting God against overwhelming odds?...
Worship Songs For When You Are Grieving
When you are grieving worship songs can help you grieve well, trust God, and start healing. Grief. It is so hard, so overwhelming. But God. God is present in our grief. What did David, the man after God’s own heart, do during grief? He worshipped. David’s child, the...
Finding Our New Normal – Priorities After the Pandemic
After weeks of quarantine, all of us are anxious to begin finding our new normal, but what will it look like? Do we really want to go back to rushing from here to there with stressed out family members who rarely have time to sit down to dinner together? Can we keep...
How to Guard Your Heart – 30 Things I Want My Teens to Remember
Our hearts are so fragile, yet often so hard. We hurt and weep and the lightest insult toward ourselves, but lack empathy for our neighbor. We fill it so full of eternally useless things that we leave no room for what lasts. We go from feeling like our heart will...
Should I Follow My Heart? Honest Answers from God’s Word
Should I follow my heart? The world will tell you to “follow your heart.” It’s sounds so easy, right? Just do what feels right for you. Whether it’s a daily choice about spending or something with bigger consequences, our emotions often guide our decisions. But,...
Biblical Affirmations for The Miracle Morning Book by Hal Elrod
My mornings need more than good intentions; they need a miracle. I have all but given up on ever being a morning person. I know starting the day right will help the rest of the day go better, but it’s so hard! Do you know what I mean? But starting the day with...
The Number One Rule to Build Strong Relationships
Relationship. That’s my word for the year. I need to focus on growing in my relationship with God and with others this year instead of focusing on myself and on so many tasks that are waiting to be done. And I want my teens to remember the number one rule to build...
When Romans 8:28 Seems Impossible
Romans 8:28 is still true even when it seems impossible. This week we are putting to the test what we say we believe. After over fifty years of ministry, and just after announcing his retirement, my father suddenly went to be with the Lord. My mom will move alone into...