
A Joyful Five-Minute-Friday

A Joyful Five-Minute-Friday

  Joy to the world, the Lord in come; Let earth receive her King.   Joy seems easier to find during the Christmas season. A sense of anticipation in the air pervades and we await the special day in which we celebrate Christ's birth. We spend hours buying the...

The Post I Hope My Social Worker Never Reads

Today, I don't know if I can do this--this awesome task of raising children. I've made so many mistakes. I'm so tired. I don't know what to do next. We are trying to convince our social worker and the government of China that we can handle another child, but today I...

Everyday Joy on Five-Minute-Friday

The joy of the Lord is your [my] strength. Nehemiah 8:10 Some days joy is hard. I don’t want to get out of bed. Don't want to cook breakfast. Don't want to referee fighting children. Don't want to do my own chores, much less try to get my children to do theirs. Some...

Create a Family Mantra to Remember on the Hard Days

Create a Family Mantra to Remember on the Hard Days

Our family mantra supports us on the hard days--the many days when I feel like the worst mother ever. My children complain about how unfairly they are being treated. Siblings fight all day. I lose my temper and yell, repeatedly. The house is a disaster. We barely seem...