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Picture of brown chair with Bible with words How to Disciple Your Kids with simple faith habits


As a Christian parent, your heart’s desire is to see your kids grow up to love and serve Jesus. You know you are responsible to raise them in the “nurture and admonition of the Lord,” but in the throes of everyday life, how do you add one more thing to your “to do” list? In her book Little Habits, Big Faith, Christie Thomas will help you learn how to disciple your kids with simple habits that make a big difference over time.

I have been following Christie Thomas for a while and already had three of her books, (Picture books Quinn’s Promise Rock and Quinn Says Goodbye, and family devotional Fruit Full ), so when she began getting ready to launch Little Habits, Big Faith I knew I wanted to read it!


Shelf with 4 books by Christie Thomas


Christie is so encouraging to Christian parents. Whether you are new to learning how to disciple your kids or just need some fresh ideas for integrating your faith naturally in everyday life, this book will help.

In the introduction, Christie writes that this book is for these three groups of people.


picture of a page from Little Habits, Big Faith

All three categories fit me; how about you?

 In our family, we consistently read the Bible and pray together in the evenings, but sometimes it is just another thing to check off our list instead of a meaningful time of discipleship. Little Habits, Big Faith gives some suggestions to help get our kids engaged so we can all enjoy that time more and provide better chance of it actually making a difference in our hearts. 

As Christian parents, we tend to think discipleship is an all or nothing activity. If we can’t consistently have family worship, Bible Study, scripture memorization, quiet times, and more, we get discouraged and stop doing anything. Instead, we can add small habits, one at a time,  in our daily routine in a low pressure way.

Personal stories of little habits in action are sprinkled throughout the book. I love hearing how real life parents are seeing faith grow in their families using simple means.

The Blessing Habit

One of my favorite parts of Little Habits, Big Faith, is the practical appendix with ideas for little habits, prompts to help you remember new habits, reward suggestions to use as you succeed, and a detailed explanation of The Blessing Habit. 

Giving and receiving of blessings is used throughout scripture. Christie takes this Biblical tradition and shows readers how to use it in their families. I am excited to start trying this soon in my own family.


Mother touching child's head with Blessing quote from Numbers 6:24-26


The Blessing Habit is as simple as regularly praying a verse, such as Numbers 6:22-26, out loud over your children.

“The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.”

Combined with appropriate relational touch, a Biblical blessing can show our children how much we value them, help them sleep better, instill scripture in their minds, and increase a sense of peace. 

Why start with the little habit of a Biblical blessing?

Here are some reasons the author suggests:

“Because it’s so simple it’s not hard to push through the first-time awkwardness.

Because it’s so simple, it easily becomes a part of your bedtime routine.

Because it’s so simple, you can do it even when you’re tired, sick, or away from home.

Because it’s so simple, you and your kids will accidentally memorize Scripture.”


Know Jesus, Share Jesus over picture of a road in Israel


Of course, no matter how well we disciple our kids using little or big habits, ultimately we cannot save them. That is the Holy Spirit’s job.  I really like how Christ encourages parents to follow God’s command to teach their children His Word, but also reminds them (us) we cannot control the outcome.

“But while God can (and does) draw people toward himself without any human intervention and our kids have the choice to follow or not, we have the privilege and the calling to actively participate in the process. We get to partner with God to cultivate the soil of our children’s hearts and plant seeds of faith.”

As my children grow up, I want them to remember experiencing a life of faith in the everyday  joys and sorrows. I pray God helps us cultivate the soil of their hearts, but also helps us trust Him to provide an abundant harvest in time. 

Read Little Habits, Big Faith to help you make a simple, low pressure plan for how to disciple your kids and help your family grow in faith.

What small habits have been meaningful in your family’s faith journey? Please comment! God may use your experience to help another family grow in Christ. 

praying the scriptures to improve family relationships over woman reading bible in bed
mother holding children with title "help anxious kids grow in their faith"