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Do you want to know how to find true healing for deep wounds?

Recently, God reminded me that there is only One who can really bring healing. 

Therapy can help. Improving physical health can help. Surrounding yourself with supporting friends and family can help. 

But only One can bring the healing you need.

Remember the woman with the issue of blood? She had tried everything humanly possible at the time to be healed. Yet, something was still missing.

In her desperation she pushed closer and closer to Jesus. She realized He alone could heal her affliction and nothing could keep her away. Crowds and social stigma barred the way, but she kept inching closer.

When she finally drew near, the woman just reached out to touch the hem of Jesus’s garment. Jesus not only healed her, but He also commended her faith. 

I admire her perseverance.

Read her story in Mark 5:25-24. 


Text of Mark 5:34- your faith has made you well

God has brought our family so far in the last year. But sometimes the deep wounds ache. I can’t really explain it. The best way I can describe it is just simply my heart hurts

It’s not the gut-wrenching pain that I felt during crisis, but an occasional grief over lost innocence and trust, betrayal and abandonment, poor judgement and pure evil. 

So what can I do? What can you do when the wounds of the world or even of friends aren’t quite healed–when we need to know how to find true healing for deep wounds?

Reach out to Jesus-again. Press closer and closer in prayer, scripture, worship, and fellowship with His Body.

Don’t let the naysayers or the voices in your head push you away. Use the resources He has given you, but don’t rely on them for healing. Seek your Savior.


out-stretched hand reaching for Jesus for healing


Two songs have been on my heart along with these thoughts.

First, an old gospel song my music minister loved throughout my childhood has been playing in my head.

 “It’s Jesus. Oh, it is Jesus. It’s Jesus in my soul. For I have touched the hem of His garment, and His blood has made me whole.”

Then I am also thinking of “Untitled Hymn” by Chris Rice that reminds us to come to Jesus, fall on Jesus, cry to Jesus, sing to Jesus, dance for Jesus, and fly to Jesus. Listen below.


Remember, dear child of God, He makes everything beautiful in His time. (Ecclesiastes 3:11) God might not give us complete healing in this world, but you can be confident that closer to Jesus is closer to wholeness.

Press on.


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