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So many are going through hard times or trials right now. People have lost loved ones. Others are sick or live in fear of getting sick. The stress of everyday life is heightened by the fear of the future. So how can we hold on to our faith in trials? How can we trust God when life seems to be going haywire?

You Are Not Alone
Susan is a single mom. She has lost co-workers to Covid-19. She is afraid she or her kids will get sick that they wear masks at all times and do not allow themselves to hug anyone. She is doing her best to protect her family, but the worry is keeping them from even enjoying their church family.
Mary’s mother is in the nursing home with dementia. The nursing home allowed her to visit once in the last seven months, but with no physical contact. Her mother is dying slowly, but alone, for fear of her dying of the corona virus.
Linda’s husband suddenly went to be with Jesus a few months ago. She is carrying on for her children and grandchildren, but each day is a struggle. She isn’t sure how she will make it through the next months, years, and decades.
Lisa is homeschooling for the first time while also working outside the home. She was excited about beginning, but the hard adjustment is adding stress to her busy family. She feels God called her to teach her children, but is afraid they aren’t thriving in their new routine.
Laurie, a mother of four, has cancer. She is trusting God’s will, but with surgeries and treatments that leave her exhausted, she worries about spending enough time with her family.
I could go on and on with more personal examples. Yours may be different, but your situation is not less in need of a faith boost than theirs. (See Do You Have an “Even If” Kind of Faith from my friend, and fellow blogger, Charlie.)
Like the desperate father in Mark 9:24, we cry out to Jesus, “Lord, I believe. Help my unbelief!”
Sometimes it is so hard to keep faith in hard times, but, although Satan intends every trial to devour our faith, God intends every trial to strengthen our faith. —Pastor David Hays
My pastor and husband recently shared these three things that can help all of us live in faith even when we are struggling.

How to Hold on to Faith Through Trials
First, Hold on to faith by looking back.
Look back to God, the One who called your name before the world even began. (1 Peter 1:2-3)
God loved you, saved you from your sin, and adopted you into His family. When you’re struggling to keep faith in a trial, remember your Heavenly Father has and will love you eternally. Think back to the time God called you to salvation. His love for you has not and will not change.
(If you have questions about salvation, see Know Jesus or “What Is the Gospel, Anyway?”)
Next, look back on the saints of the past.
All of the people we read about in Christian history have their lives serving YOU (1 Peter 1:10-12). The prophets of the Old Testament told of the grace that was to be yours through the suffering and glory of Christ. They gave their lives, enduring great trials, to serve us. Ezekiel lost his wife, Hosea loved an unfaithful wife, Jeremiah lived naked and crying, Daniel stood against a pagan nation, and on and on. These all reminds us, “Trust in God’s Word. Don’t serve other gods.”
Then remember all of the people who passed along the gospel that eventually, over many generations, came to you. The disciples, the early church leaders, the martyrs during the early Roman Empire, William Tyndale who died for translating the Bible into English, and so many others down to now. Who led your to Christ? Who helped you grow in faith or knowledge of Jesus? None of these were perfect, but we can look back at their faith through trials to encourage us and strengthen our faith.
Finally, look back at Jesus, the King Who conquered sin and death for you.
Our hope is based on a real Person and event. Jesus lived a perfect life, died on a cross to pay for our sins, and rose in victory for you and me. We have hope in trials because our hope is in the one who defected the ultimate trial—death.

Next, hold on to faith in trials by looking forward.
Look forward to the inheritance that is guaranteed for you (1 Peter 1:3-4). This life is just a tiny speck in the grand view of eternity, and our inheritance is eternal. What do we inherit? A new heaven and a new earth. No more suffering, sorrow, pain, or death. No more darkness, worry, and temptation to lose faith. No more trials. Living in the very presence of God.
Our present sufferings don’t even compare to the glory God has in store for us (Romans 8:18). Our hearts can’t even imagine the good things our Heavenly Father is preparing for those who love Him (1 Corinthians 2:9). Our trials show the genuineness of our faith and allow us to join in God’s praise, honor, and glory when Jesus returns (1 Peter 1:6-7).
Finally, hold on to faith in trials by looking up.
Look up at the angels who watch God’s work in your life with wonder (1 Peter 1:12). They cannot experience salvation themselves, but watch in awe as sinners like us are saved by grace.
Look up at all the people in history who are cheering you on. Read of the cloud of witnesses in the hall of faith in Hebrews 11 and be encouraged. They are reminding us that Jesus is worth it! He is worth our hope and trust. We must only hold on!
Look up at God who will guard and guide you all the way to the end. We are not holding on to God; He is holding on to us by His supernatural power, grace, strength, joy, and promises (1 Peter 1:5) His power will provide everything you need to hold on to faith through trials and continue to trust in Him.
Remember, when your faith is faltering through trials, look back, look forward, and look up! This season, no matter what it is for you, is not forever. God has a plan and He will fulfill it.
For more about faith, read One Easy Way to Increase Your Faith and Overcome Doubts in Your Faith.
How do you hold on to your faith through trials? Please encourage others by sharing in the comments.
Thanks to my dear husband, Pastor Dave, for allowing me to share this timely message God gave him.
For some good reminders of who you are in Christ and God’s promises in your life, read Biblical Affirmations for The Miracle Morning.