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I firmly believe it is the object of my faith, not the size of my faith that leads to miracles. (See Facing A Test of Faith) Still, I long to have more faith—deeper trust in Jesus and His plan for my life and the world.
So how can I increase my faith? How can you increase yours?

Scripture shows us one clear way to grow in our faith that is timeless and crosses borders.
Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ. Romans 10:17
It’s that simple.
Hearing the word of God increases our faith.
We need to hear the Word regularly in church through Sunday School and worship, but only two hours a week may not be enough to truly increase our faith and impact our daily lives.
We need to hear God’s Word everyday.
And modern technology makes it so easy.
Years ago, my father, who was also my pastor, led our church in an emphasis on listening to the word of God. We purchased cassette tapes or CDs from an organization called “Faith Comes By Hearing” that is still committed to sharing God’s Word today. .
Now, listening to the Bible is much simpler. Most of us can carry an audio Bible in our pockets everywhere we go and at all times on our smart phones.
My favorite Bible app, the You Version App, includes an audio of most versions of the Bible. Wherever I am reading in my Bible, I can just press play to hear it read to me.
I can also listen to Biblical sermon podcasts from both famous theologians and local pastors who share faithfully Spirit-led messages from Scripture. Our small country church even uses Facebook live to share services.

Think of how many everyday moments like riding in the car, folding clothes, taking a bath, cleaning the floor, or exercising could become moments to fill your heart with God’s word and increase your faith!
The God of the Bible is still present and active today.
He speaks to us primarily through His Word. It is active and sharper than any two edged sword. (Hebrews 4:12)
The stories we read are not just history. He still works in much the same ways today, especially in countries where Christians suffer great persecution and people are desperate to know Him. (You MUST read The Insanity of God.)
When my children grow up I want the to remember God’s Word is foundational to our faith. Listening to the Bible is one way to create lifelong memories in everyday moments.
So in addition to church and your personal or family devotions, I encourage you to listen regularly to God’s Word.
Listen alone. Listen with your family. Increase your faith.
(Wondering where to start? I suggest you begin with the gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke, & John.)
Want to know more about faith?
True faith begins with saving faith. Read Know Jesus, Share Jesus for more about putting your faith in Him for salvation. Facing a test of faith? Read here.
Using your smart phone to listen to the Bible is a great idea. Thanks for the tip!