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Are you facing doubts about our faith? Maybe you are going through hard time and sometime wonder if God really is there and has a plan. Maybe you doubt His goodness, power, or love for you because of your circumstances. Maybe you just haven’t heard from Him lately or you don’t feel His Spirit like you once did. You are not alone! Even John the Baptist had questions. See what we can learn from how John handled his doubt that will help us overcome our doubt!

Consider John the Baptist. He had a great resumé. Cousin of Jesus, filled with the Holy Spirit from the womb, forerunner of the Messiah, baptized Jesus, heard the voice of God, commended by Jesus.
But in dark times, even John had doubts.
After the glory days of his preaching and baptism ministry, John pronounces that he must become less so that Jesus will become greater (John 3:30). Then he preaches the truth against a powerful political leader and ends up in prison (Matthew 14:3-5).
And, in the cold, dark, damp cell, John begins to doubt who Jesus is.
Satan whispers in John’s ear: “Is He really the Messiah? Maybe you just thought you saw a dove. The voice from heaven—it could have been just thunder. That’s what some people heard. If Jesus is really the Messiah, what are you doing here?”
John hears the lies and and his faith wavers—just a little.
So what does the first prophet in 400 years do when facing a little doubt? He takes his questions to Jesus. (You can read the whole story in Matthew 11:1-15.)
Ok, actually John sends his disciples to Jesus since John is in prison.
Jesus doesn’t rebuke John. Neither does Jesus give him a direct answer, but He reminds John of what he already knows. Jesus tells John to look at the evidence.
The blind see.
The lame walk.
The lepers are cleansed.
The deaf hear.
The dead are raised.
The poor hear the good news.
In other words, prophecy is fulfilled.

Wood Carving by Wade Burleigh of First Century Ministries
What can we learn from John’s experience with doubt?
5 Ways to Overcome Doubt
1. Remember, you are not alone. Even the strongest in the faith face times of doubt.
2. Confide in friends. John had his disciples. You have Christian brothers and sisters who will see you through your doubts and point you to faith in Jesus.
3. Take your doubts to Jesus. John went straight to the authority. Your doubts don’t offend Him. He can handle them, though He may not give the direct answer you desire.
4. Look at the evidence. Jesus told John to look around. Remember where you have seen Jesus working in your life and in the lives of those around you. Maybe even make a list.
5. Continue to serve faithfully. John stayed true even in prison. Trust God to relieve your doubts in His time no matter your present circumstances or fears of the future.

How did John respond to Jesus’s reply?
Scripture doesn’t tell us.
We do know Jesus didn’t break down the prison doors for John. He didn’t give him favor in prison and a new high position like the patriarch, Joseph. He didn’t send an angel or earthquake to the rescue like some of the apostles experienced later.
No, John’s imprisonment does not end in his rising to a new earthly rank, but to a heavenly one. Herod reluctantly serves John’s head on a silver platter after a rash oath at a dinner party.
Then, John, faithful to the end, received a crown of life. (Revelation 2:10)
Have you heard the phrase, “Never doubt in the dark what God has told you in the light?”
Hard times are bound to come. (See Faith in Hard Times from Mississippi Mom for 3 questions to ask in times of trouble.) Jesus told us to expect trouble, but He reminded us that He has overcome the world. (John 16:33) His Word is still true even in dark times when all we have is a little bit of faith.
Remember, some doubting is human nature, but don’t wallow in your doubts. Take them to Jesus.
You may have doubts because Satan wants you to be ineffective in the kingdom of God; or maybe it’s because don’t yet know the love and forgiveness of Jesus. See Know Jesus or What is the Gospel Anyway to overcome doubt and trust Jesus your Savior.