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Youth Bible Studies in 2 Peter
One of my passions teaching youth the Bible. I have been involved in volunteer and part-time youth ministry for over 20 years. Many times I have found wonderful curriculum available with all of the research, activities, and plans laid out in an easy format. One of my seminary professors encouraged us to use the many resources available and customize it for our group rather spending excess time and effort writing curriculum unless that is our calling or gift. So many good studies are available.
When I first began youth ministry, looking for resources meant a trip to the local Christian bookstore, but now most resources are easily accessible with online orders or instant downloads.
I also have a passion for writing (finally started blogging to pursue this passion regularly). Even with ever-expanding availably of resources, I still enjoy writing Bible studies for my own church youth and children when I’ve had the need and the time. As a homeschooling mom of eight, I rely more and more on the wisdom of others, but I still like to use my own occasionally.
I wrote a Youth Bible Study on 2 Peter for our local county-wide Disciple Now. Our Theme, Standing on the Promises, challenges students to know, trust, and obey God’s Word. As I develop my blog and begin sharing more ways for building Creating lifelong memories in everyday moments, I will post some resources for Ministry in both a family and church setting. I hope they will be a blessing to your ministry, to your family, and to others.
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Standing on the Promises: Youth Bible Study in 2 Peter
As ministers, teachers, volunteers, or parents look for Bible study resources I want them to remember, we are all working together to expand the kingdom of Christ.
Only conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ, so that whether I come and see you or remain absent, I will hear of you that you are standing firm in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel; Philippians 1:27
I would love to hear from you if this youth Bible study in 2 Peter is helpful for your family or ministry. Please feel free to comment below.
Hello, my name is Thalita Boyd-Williams and at my midweek Bible study we have been studying 1 Timothy 4:12. I have really enjoyed your teachings on this scripture. I was asked to lead the midweek bible study, a small group of about 6 families with a lot of teenagers and kid, and this teaching series has been really helpful. I have subscribed for the full series and look forward to studying this with my covenant families.
Thank you so much and may God Almighty richly bless you.
I pray the series has been a blessing for your teens and families, Thalita! Please let me know how it went.